Created in Brussels (Belgium) in 1945, Jeunesses Musicales International (JMI) is the largest youth music NGO in the world. Its mission consists of "enabling young people to develop through music across all boundaries".
The Association française des orchestres was created at the initiative of French permanent orchestras with the support of the Ministry of Culture in 2000. The AFO collects and shares information related to the activity of the member orchestras. As a resource center, AFO supports orchestras on common issues in all areas of their activity: studies, publications, training courses.
Ópera Latinoamérica OLA, is a non-profit organisation that brings together Ibero-American opera theatres whose mission is to advance and promote lyric art in the Latin American region. Created in 2007 in Chile, it is made up of institutions from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Spain, the United States, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay, which meet every year to draw new emphases and objectives.
FEDORA - The European Circle of Philanthropists of Opera and Ballet aims to support the renewal of opera and ballet. As an association made up of philanthropists from all over Europe, it brings together opera and ballet enthusiasts who share a vision of excellence. FEDORA has established three prizes seeking to reward the creation of new opera or ballet co-productions, including the Education Prize in partnership with RESEO.
The Open Football Club, initiated in October 2014 by the FondAction du Football, offers young football players in training (13-19 years) a variety of civic and cultural activities. RESEO connects the Fondaction with network members who can provide activities such as workshops, guided tours, exchanges with young artists and performances.
enoa, the European Network of Opera Academies, supports artists from the opera sector in developing their professional careers. Their multi-year programme Empowering Opera, Breaking Boundaries for Institutions and Artists aims to encourage, support and disseminate innovative opera projects that bring new narratives to contemporary societies.