We’re delighted to be partnering with ROCE and Auditorio de Tenerife for the XVI Encuentro ROCE, which will bring together Spanish and international cultural networks to explore the concept of music as a cultural right.
The event is inspired by the Spanish Ministry of Culture’s new strategic plan, focusing on the notion of cultural rights and seeking to “ensure equal access to culture for all citizens, promote cultural diversity, and safeguard the rights of creators and professionals in the sector.”
“Music as a cultural right serves as both a foundation for our objectives and a practical avenue for implementing the outcomes of this plan. We aim to broaden the discussion to a European level by including RESEO (European Network for Opera, Music, and Dance Education) in our scientific committee. This will allow us to explore various perspectives on music as a cultural right across Europe.
Additionally, this conversation will incorporate voices from the fields of artistic mediation, education, participation, accessibility, and creation—offering a collaborative space to reflect on how we can strengthen the connection between music and our communities. This gathering will foster stronger connections with our European partners while exploring innovative approaches to sustaining educational and social programmes.”
Jose Luis Rivero, Artistic Director, Auditorio de Tenerife
Structured around three key themes – sustainability and social impact, training and new skills, and accessibility – the programme will include workshops, world cafés, case studies, and artistic practice.
Participation is free for RESEO members. To register, go to this page and scroll down to fill in the (second) “Inscripciones Socios” form.
Registration deadline: 18 April
For more information, please contact info@rocemusica.org