Opera Schmopera

It's Funny And It's Clever

Opera Schmopera makes award-winning participatory opera projects that positively impact the lives of young people and their communities. Using new, relevant and often funny stories combined with the rich culture of opera and contemporary music, our empowering creative processes and professional performances inspire participants and audiences both young and old.

Make professional opera performances that involve young people in creative processes
Empower young people with creative skills and ambitions
Connect young people to creative communities
Advocate for and offer training in best practice in opera education
Collaborate with other organisations

A flagship project:
A Shoe Full of Stars is an award-winning comedy opera about teenagers’ responses to terrorism in collaboration with counter-extremism specialists (co-produced by Gestalt Arts)

Why they are members of RESEO:
Opera Schmopera benefits from the RESEO network’s skills and information-sharing, its connection to supportive peers and mentors, and its collective voice advocating for the industry.

The Team

Artistic Director

Omar Shahryar

Other Related Members

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