
Publication: Acts of Cultural Citizenship

A presentation of the print publication “Acts of Cultural Citizenship”, based upon the exchanges and discussions of the 2009-2012 editions of the European Symposia Culture and Education.

22nd July, 2013

Arts education Europe Opera Orchestra education


Education goes both ways, and reciprocity is the basis of creative learning programmes. A report from the fifth edition of the European Symposium Culture and Education in Aix-en-Provence.

10th July, 2013

Arts education Society

AMAZE ME: Opera for Young Audiences in Europe

A 2013 RESEO publication showcasing one of the most rapidly evolving sectors in opera: productions aimed at young audiences. With contributions from RESEO members. Find out more about productions for teens, children, and even babies

2nd April, 2013

Dance Opera Young audience

Education and Communication/Marketing: Friend or Foe?

A study of the working relationships between communications and marketing departments and education services in opera and dance institutions across Europe, based on in-depth interviews with RESEO members.

6th November, 2012

Communication Dance Marketing Opera


A report from RESEO’s Autumn Conference 2012 on intergenerational projects in opera and dance. How can people of different ages contribute to opera or dance via performances and projects?

20th October, 2012

Dance Intergenerational Opera

Mapping of the Opera and Dance Education Sector in Europe

Study: a mapping exercise of the opera and dance education sector conducted by RESEO from October 2011 to March 2012 aiming to highlight general tendencies in the development of the sector over the past years.

1st October, 2012

Arts education Dance Europe Opera

Productions For Young Audiences and Intergenerational Projects

A report from the 4th edition of the European Symposium Culture and Education in Aix-en-Provence, which examined young audience productions and intergenerational work.

15th July, 2012

Intergenerational Young audience

Overview of Evaluation Practices in Opera and Dance Education in Europe

In 2012, RESEO carried out a research study on the impact of evaluation on European opera organisations in order to highlight possible tendencies or differences and reveal different models.

12th June, 2012

Dance Europe Evaluation Opera

Evaluating Artistic and Education Projects

A report from the 3rd edition of the European Symposium Culture and Education in Aix-en-Provence, which examined the evaluation of artistic and educational projects.

16th July, 2011

Arts education Education Evaluation Opera

What’s Special?

Opera, dance and music education for and with people with special needs: stimulating projects from across Europe.

31st December, 2010

Arts education Dance Disability Europe Opera Special needs